Sunday, September 28, 2014

Searching for Sri Sri

I did the Art of Living Course (Part 1) about five years ago. It was an uplifting experience, especially given the time in life I took the course. I was inspired by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's teachings, and upon learning more about him and dedicating time every day to practicing kriya yoga per his teachings I resolved to try and meet him one day.  But for those of you know of Sri Sri- he is somewhat of a celebrity figure in India, and a meeting with is not an easy feat! Almost comparable to being able to meet with the Dalai Lama.

I coincidentally ended up back in Northern CA the weekend Sri Sri was there for a course. I hadn't even signed up for the course, but decided to take my chances and make it over to San Jose to stalk Sri Sri. My long time friend from Berkeley was amused and graciously offered to be an accomplice to my mission. Once we got to San Jose, I connected with the family friend who had introduced me to A o L- she gave me a day pass and introduced me to one of the "bouncers" for the course.

Several thousand people were in attendance, and Sri Sri had several bodyguards when he entered the room. He began a meditation exercise, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude just to be in his presence, in the same room. Sri Sri asked the room about their "botherations", and took out the bucket which contained issues or questions thousands of disciples had written about. I had put in one as well, knowing that the chances were literally one out of thousands that mine would be chosen. I was speechless when he started reading out my question and proceeded to answer it in his ever so wise Sri Sri way.

 All of a sudden, fire alarms went off shortly after and we all had to evacuate.  We found that there had been a fire at the hotel, and all of us waited outside for things to settle down.  As I was waiting, a five year old girl approached me and asked me, " Do you want to meet Sri Sri?"  I replied, "Of course- who here doesn't?"  She then pointed up, and gave me directions to his room- along with his room number. I was amused at this precocious child, and didn't actually think she was giving me the correct room number but still impressed that she could sense my desperation to meet Sri Sri.

 Anyhow, as there was not much else to do at this point, I went back into the hotel after texting my friend, "Trying to stalk Sri Sri".  I went up to the room in question, and saw two other Indians waiting outside. I asked if they were waiting to meet Sri Sri, and they nodded. One mentioned that only those organizing the course were privy to his whereabouts, and asked how I had found his room. I smiled, thinking about the little girl. 

Five minutes later, we were sitting with Sri Sri, in his suite, by his feet. He spoke ever so calmly, gave us Prasad- the rest is a blur. I just remember being overcome with different emotions- and the realization that it is true- when you really want something, the Universe will conspire to make it happen. In this case, it was to meet Sri Sri.

Since then, my respect for Sri Sri has never ceased and only grown- but I have come to the realization that finding Sri Sri was a milestone to my finding the guru within myself. Perhaps, that was the ultimate journey.